Ode to Joy - Part 2

This is the second part to Ode to Joy. It’s important to break a piece of music up into sections in order to learn the entire piece much faster. In part one we worked on the first half of Ode to Joy to master each of the notes. In part 2 we will work on mastering the second part of the notes.

Start by double checking to make sure you are holding the violin correctly with a straight wrist and a curved C with your hand. Focus on working on holding the violin while looking forward. Start by plucking and learning all the notes of the second part of the music.

After all the notes in the second half are fully mastered then practice the music with the bow.Start by holding the bow first then pick up the violin.

Be careful to hold the bow correctly with your thumb curved into a C shape.

Play through the notes slowly and carefully and then continue to learn them faster and faster until all of the notes are learned correctly.

Ode to Joy .pdf
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