Violin Finger Tapes

Learn to play the violin faster and more effectively with violin finger tapes.

•Make sure the violin is perfectly in tune before putting on the finger tapes.
•Use only materials that are easy to remove such as stickers or craft tape.
•Check to make sure that your tape is in the right spot.
•A buzzing noise after placing the tapes may mean that part of the tape is touching the violin string.
•Music stores may be able to put the finger tapes on the instrument for free.

Violin finger tapes are markers or labels that go on the fingerboard under the strings to tell you where to place your fingers as you play. This can be a great tool for the beginner violinist until the student gains the muscle memory and confidence to play without them. Many stores including the ones online will put on your violin finger tapes for free. If there isn't a good music store, you can easily do this yourself.
You can buy violin finger tapes made especially for the violin or you can also use something like a light craft tape or a sticker. Just don't use glue or anything that will permanently damage the instrument.
The idea behind the finger tapes is to make sure you are able to play the violin perfectly in tune so you need to first tune your instrument. I would be very careful and meticulous to make sure it is perfectly in tune before you put the tapes on the instrument otherwise the violin tapes will be in the wrong place.
After you tune the instrument it’s time to put the tapes on. First cut the shape and size of the finger tapes that you will need. For this video I am using simple craft tape that is cut in half and measured to the width of the violin fingerboard so I can use it on all 4 strings.
After I cut the tape I am going to slide it under the strings and onto the fingerboard. Using my tuner, I will place the string on the fingerboard and tune carefully until it is in the right spot for all three tapes.

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