Replacing the Violin Strings
- Replace strings every 6 months or more if the strings are worn out, broken, or with excessive playing.
- Replace strings with the same brand of string.
- Tune down then up when tuning to avoid a broken string.
- Keep all strings tight but the one that is being replaced in order to avoid the bridge and sound post falling.
It’s very important to only have one string loose at a time. More than one string loose may cause the violin bridge to fall and that will also cause the soundpost inside the instrument to fall resulting in damage that has to be repaired by a Luthier.
Check to make sure all the violin strings are tight.
To replace a string, start by loosening the peg at the top of the violin. Next, gently go to the base of the instrument and pull the string away from the instrument and towards the nut until the ball of the string pops out from the tailpiece. Never pull hard or yank the violin string out, it should come out easily.
Each string is a different size. The largest is the G String, then the D, A and the smallest is the E string.
The top of the violin string is color coated to tell you what brand of string you are using. It is always best to use the same brand of string that matches the other strings in order to achieve the best sound. The base of the string will be a different color to indicate the kind of string. If you are unsure of the strings because they were not marked in the envelope that it came in, check the manufacturer’s website to determine if you have the right string.
Pull the string from the envelope. Insert the ball of the string into the tailpiece and gently pull across till it fits in and then start to pull up.
After you can feel the ball of the string firmly in place, pull the string across the bridge of the instrument and try to guide it into the little nook that is carved out for the string. As you pull the string up toward the top of the instrument, place your hand on the string to keep the bottom of the string in place.
Thread the peg with the top part of the string and begin to wind until it begins to feel taut. The violin string should be lying in the carved outline at the nut. Make sure that as you tighten the string it is wound into a line and not wound over the top of the other string, as this will cause the string to not stay in place.
Begin to tune the string carefully. Do not over tighten or the string will break.
Check to make sure all the other strings are tight as they may fall while replacing a different string. Continue on until all of the strings have been replaced.